Is it that my friends are just getting funnier or are they just putting more thought into some very clever sayings hoping to make it on the weekly “Funny Facebook Quotes” list? I don’t know for sure but this week I thought was extra special with burning flesh, HDADD and urinating. Sounds like a doctor’s office waiting room to me. Are you all right out there? Did you get those problems taken care of? I sure hope so because I would hate for anything to happen to my Facebook friends. Aside from all of those ailments everyone else seems to be doing fine, just having one of those days. Enjoy these status updates. If you would like to submit a quote to have posted in this column, please feel free to send it my way. Send it to: getinandgo at gmail dot com. You get it, right? Use the @ and the . Thanks.
- I bought more space on Gmail. Need space to fit the 97,000+ emails in my inbox. Maybe some decade, I’ll learn to hit delete.
1 -Yeah, I would say start that process now…
2 – Wow, and I thought I was bad with 6,500 e-mails in my Yahoo inbox!
- So sorry to one of you dear Facebook friends. My son just peed on your Christmas card. Because my other son had put it in the toilet. It happens.
- Had no idea hot nacho cheese could burn off FLESH….Yep, that’s right ppl. Burns off flesh!!! – So BEWARE of this feisty little snack food, because if you spill it on yourself it’s like liquid napalm…..only tastier and higher in sodium ;o)
1 – How does that combine with melted flesh?
2 – Wow!!! I would suggest not pouring the boiling cheese on yourself, just a suggestion
3 – Just saltier, I’m sure
- Does anyone know how to block gifts like Farmville, mafia wars, and all that other stuff? My wall gets about 20 of them a day, keeping my friends and family from reading things I write because it’s cluttered with stuff like that. Thanks!
- Wish I had the power to control time! It would be Fridays and Saturdays everyday!
- Has found her voice (kinda). I still sound like I have been sucking too much helium. I know a lot of people have been enjoying the “peace and quiet” since I have lost my voice. Damn you people. I am funny and should be heard.
- Why is it that EVERYTIME I go to get gas I have a Crazy Wild adventure! This time I found a blue heeler sittin in my car when I got done!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh….
- OK….The fudge, toffee, and caramels are gone!!!! I will not make anymore, I will not make anymore, I will not make anymore……..
- Has HDADD (high definition attention deficit disorder). It’s hard to pay attention, but when it happens, it’s unbelievable.
- Just got a super huge slobbery kiss from my baby sister… yummmm
- #1 Rule Don’t ever leave a sharpie in eye sight of a two year old, even if you think they will not be able to reach it, because eventually they will and there will always be the result of a permanent mess!
Excellent! If I could write like this I would do well. The more I read articles of such quality as this (which is rare), the more I think there could be a future for the Web. Keep it up, as it were.