A great week behind me and another even greater weekend just around the corner. I did not forget about Friday’s Funny Facebook Quotes though. I just love the status updates about what my friend’s kids are doing. Your children can be your greatest joys and your worst nightmares. Oh, how I miss the nights when the kids would wake me up because they were sick or had a bad dream. Or the time when they made you a special dinner of instant mashed potatoes, canned peaches and hotdogs plated on your best china and crystal. All of you mothers out there enjoy these times even if you end up cleaning up the mess. Know that one day they WILL be more independent than they think they are now.
- Goals for the day: Do ALL of the laundry in the house AND put it away. Empty and load the dishwasher. Plan and cook dinner by the time my husband comes home. Don’t lose my temper with the whiney, fickle, completely irrational children. Shower.
Comment: Wake up, repeat, uh for the next decade :o) yeah it’s on my calendar too!
- Sewed a skirt for myself last night (sans pattern) and couldn’t be happier about it. Also, Jack Bauer is back and he’s freaking ROCKING MY WORLD. Thank you 24. THANK YOU.
Comment: Did you just use the work “freaking” ??? You are now a Utahn.
Response: No. If I had said “flippin” or if I’d said “He’s rocking the HECK out of my world” that would have made me a Utahn.
- I want to put a sign up in my office that says “This is not Burger King. You DO NOT get to have it your way!”
Comment: I have a sign in my office that says, “Thou shalt not whine.” Doesn’t work really well.
- Back in Hell! Oh I mean Wyoming.
- Go right ahead and let the Kotex jokes fly! (In response to the release of the IPad)
Comment: I have a hard time believing that such a cool product has such a weak name, surely everyone is thinking it right?
- So I’m at the mall with my mom and all the sudden this little 4 year old girl says, “Mommy look at that girl’s silly hair!” LOL…. priceless…
Comment: Gotta LOVE kids! They are so honest ;o) Did you do something crazy to your hair since the last time I saw you?
- Sooo my son accidently butt called me with his cell phone at his lunch hour. I of course listened to what he and his friends had to say after he called me right…
- I let my girls watch Disney Princess stories, about all the princesses. I was listening and heard one of the people in the story say, “Well, Princess, your pretty face will fade, you won’t always be beautiful, and then your man will want a new pretty face, not your old one.” What the crap… What does that teach our little beautiful girls? No wonder women have complexes about what we look like and who we are.
- is upset that Obama will be interrupting my shows with his “look what I can do” speech. Although if he simply just lists his accomplishments as pres, it should be roughly the length of a Yaz or Cialis commercial.
- Sure enough, going to be a long day! I left the fridge open for 2 seconds and my two year old grabbed two eggs, said “ball” and threw them across the floor!
Comment: Yeah……..I’m sorry. I’d feel bad, but my child strung not one, oh no not one, but 9 MEGA rolls of Charmin (my gift to myself) throughout my house…..said it was his puzzle.
Great post. Can’t wait to read the next ones 🙂
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I look forward to every Friday b/c I know there’ll be a new set of FB quotes coming to entertain. Thanks!
Always funny to read! Great work Rea!
LOL, Those are great!
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