One of the best places to visit in Utah is Goblin Valley State Park. The park is approximately 4 hours from Salt Lake but only about 2 hours from my front door. Growing up in Utah I had heard about Goblin Valley. People always told me it was great fun. So after spending all of my life in Utah, I finally took an adventure to check it out for myself. Do you know what? They were right! It is great fun.
Goblin Valley has hoodoos everywhere. There is a small entrance fee for the state park but once inside you are able to climb and hike for hours. We had a wonderful time. We climbed to the tops of cliffs, scaled to the tops of hoodoos and hid among the goblins. When nighttime came we witnessed a large family (or several families) playing hide and go seek among the goblin shadows.
A very brief history about Goblin Valley: Back in the 1920’s some cowboys were looking for cattle when they came upon the strange little rock creatures surrounded by eroded rock cliffs. In 1964 the area was obtained by the state of Utah and designated as a state park. In 1974 the park was opened to the public as a state park.