Photos of Maple Grove Campground … Bonus: Deer and Wild Turkeys

One of the last days of autumn before the snow started falling we took a short ride over to the Maple Grove campground located just 15 miles south of Scipio and then 4 miles off US 50 on Forest Road 101. Kirk told me the leaves were amazing. You know what? He was right. Our bonus for the ride was seeing wild turkeys and a mother deer and her baby fawn. I love to get in and go on grand adventures. I also love staying close to home and enjoying the beauty around me. Photos were taken using a [ad name=”Amazon Nikon D60″].

Blanket of Maple Leaves at Maple Grove

Colors of Autumn Leaves at Maple Grove

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey Near Maple Grove

Baby Fawn at Maple Grove

Get In And Go See Autumn Leaves

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Best Water Bottle Ever… Good Life!

Water is so good for you. In fact, the benefits of drinking water are numerous. Drinking water keeps you hydrated which helps you look younger and feel better. Drinking water to lose weight is also one of the best things you can do for your body. Whenever we take a road trip we try to drink a lot of water to help us stay alert. Usually we will pack some plastic water bottles into our cooler, but now we have some good water bottles.

Last June we went on a trip to a convention in Denver. At the convention they were giving away some prizes. We are always happy to win prizes! So like everyone else, we threw our business cards into the lottery barrel and hoped for the best. Guess what? We won! Yeah for us! We won a couple of Good Life Bottles. (We were excited even if it doesn’t look that way in the picture :))

We Won A Good Life Bottle from Heather Paulson of PMG

Can I just say that I love my Good Life Bottle? Funny that I would love a product so much, but let me tell you why I love it. Over the summer we were traveling in 100 degree plus weather. We had to do some shopping to replenish our traveling supplies and were in the store for over an hour. When we came back out to the car, the seats and steering wheel were on fire. It was hot, I was hot, Kirk was hot, the car was hot….everything was hot! Except for the water in my [ad name=”AMA – Goodlife”].  When I took a drink from my water bottle, the water was as cold as when I had filled it. Amazing!

Good Life Bottle Keeps Beverages Hot

Plastic water bottles are filling land fills by the millions every year. Recycling water bottles is one option to reducing the impact on the planet. A refillable water bottle is a better option. Benefits of the [ad name=”AMA – Goodlife”]are: they are 100% BPA-free and toxin free, they have dual walls to keep liquid hot or cold for hours, and they are made with food grade stainless steel.

The first week of November the temperatures start getting colder. Since we love to get in and go, we took a ride to the mountains in our Polaris RZR. It had already snowed in the mountains and a new storm was coming in. So I filled my [ad name=”AMA – Goodlife”]with hot chocolate. The hot chocolate stayed hot the entire day! We had a great ride in the mountains and took some wonderful photographs of the winter storm.

Evergreens in Winter Storm

Winter Storm Coming In

Bundled Up For a Cold Day

Blogworld 2010: Photos From My Personal Paparazzi

Blog World 2010 - Las Vegas

Last year I attended Blogworld for the first time. It was probably the most fun I have ever had at a convention. So this year I was really looking forward to going. After all my blog is now over one year old. Happy birthday Get in and Go! I have loved my year of learning and writing and taking pictures. However, I need to learn more. Life is about learning and growing. Blogworld is the place to be if you want new ideas and information on writing a blog.

Any one who knows me may not know that I am terribly shy, for if you do know me you have gotten past my shy phase and now we are life long friends. I have a fear of meeting new people. What will they think of me? Will I live up to their expectations? Are you thinking right now what expectations would a complete stranger have about her? I don’t know. It’s just a fear. I am getting past that. I am introducing myself to people, talking in front of complete strangers and not really worrying about what anyone thinks. This is something I had to do for me…and my personal paparazzi.

My husband loves taking photographs. Kirk uses a [ad name=”Amazon Nikon D60″]and takes it with him everywhere. If we are out in the wilderness, he takes photographs of the beauty that surrounds us. If we are in Las Vegas, he is sure that every other person is a celebrity and therefore, must capture them on film. I stand back and just let him do his thing. Why do I stand back while he takes the pictures? Just in case he gets arrested and I need to bail him out of jail. Like the time we went to Hollywood and just happened upon a movie premier with David and Courtney Arquette. I don’t remember the movie. All I remember is that somehow he was able to position himself toward the front of the red carpet and started taking pictures. He did not get arrested, but he was asked to leave the roped off media section if he didn’t have the media credentials. He tried to convince them that he did have the credentials(and he does for the local television station we run), but you had to get a pass before the premier event.

So this year at Blogworld, he got his media credentials and followed me around like I was a famous person and asked me to talk to everyone that we met. Tough for a shy girl. By the end of Blogworld I would tell people, “This is my personal paparazzi and he would like to get a picture of me with you.” I thought it was a great line and you know what…it worked! People were impressed that I had my own paparazzi following me around (at least they seemed impressed) and I had to overcome that shyness just a little. If I keep going to these conventions in time it will vanish completely. Okay, he didn’t really follow me around the whole time. There were a lot of people and events happening that he got photographs of as well. Sometimes I didn’t even know where he was. Like this picture Kirk took with Darren Rowse, I don’t remember it at all. I must have been in a class.

Kirk with Darren Rowse @problogger

Blogworld was held in Las Vegas, Nevada at the beautiful Mandalay Bay Convention Center. There were approximately 4,000 bloggers in attendance. Classes were held on how to be a better blogger, how to monetize your blog, how to add a podcast to your blog, how to network with social media, and many other great topics. There were so many great classes that I could not get to them all. I even got out there and competed in a game to win a [ad name=”Amazon Sony Bloggie Camera”], I didn’t win, but I did beat a couple of men in the competition stacking plastic cups. Girl Power! Check out the blur of my fingers. That is how fast I was moving.

Trying to Win a Sony Camera

Then there was Las Vegas! I live in a town with 800 other people. I am number 801. Not much nightlife in my small town. Really not much going on in the daylight hours either. Las Vegas however, never sleeps. After our all day meetings we walked along the strip to the Bellagio to see the Halloween flowers in the conservatory. I love the Halloween holiday and the Bellagio had scary trees, a scarecrow and giant pumpkins. Our walk back to our hotel room at the Luxor left my feet throbbing. Early night in Las Vegas? For me, yes! I know there were networking parties all over town but early to bed for another early morning just felt right.

Conservatory at Bellagio during Halloween

The Blogworld Conference was spectacular. I learned so much and now that I am home trying to decipher my handwriting I feel somewhat overwhelmed. Still excited and motivated, but overwhelmed. I am looking forward to implement some of the ideas I learned about and maybe just try some to see how they work for my blog. My personal paparazzi told me I was among some of the greatest bloggers at this convention and I could learn so much if I would just talk to them. So, take a look at the photographs my personal paparazzi caught of me and my new friends at BlogWorld 2010.

B. Bonin Bough and Steph Agresta, Authors of Perspectives on Social Media Marketing

B. Bonin Bough, Global Director of Digital & Social Media for Pepsico, and Steph Agresta, Global Director of Digital Strategy & Social Media at Porter Novelli, were signing copies of their book [ad name=”Amazon – Perspectives on Social Media”]. They ran out of copies before I got there, but I had my picture taken anyway.

Murray Newlands and Shawn Collins Giving Me Advice

Then we were just walking through the convention center and I recognized Shawn Collins and Murray Newlands from Affiliate Summit. I stopped just to get a little advice on my blog. They were very friendly and helpful giving me a few little tips to get things rolling better with Get in and Go.

Talking with Lisa Picarille, Social Media Expert

I saw Lisa Picarille on the showroom floor and I said to her, “You look familiar.” That always gets a conversation going. She was familiar to me. Lisa was a mentor at the Affiliate Summit Conference I went to last January. She remembered me because I told her about my ten kids. Funny that she would remember that.

After a Class with Tina Verde and Ted Murphy

Tina and I attended a class given by Ted Murphy. We had to interact and come up with new ideas the old fashioned way, with paper and pen. Always good to get back to basics when coming up with ideas.

This is just a few of the pictures that we took at Blogworld. If you would like to check out the rest of them, I uploaded a whole bunch here.

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