Get in and Go….Sledding!

Over the holidays we had a lot of kids at home. They were having a blast playing on their X-Box and watching television. And yes, some even said they were bored. What do you do with kids who are bored at home? We decided it was time for a family adventure!

So this is what we did: We bundled all of those kids up in some nice warm ski bibs and Polaris and SkiDoo coats and took them to the hills for some good old timer sledding action. It was a great experience. It was such a great experience that we went a couple of times. The kids had fun. I had even more fun. We got out into the crisp winter air. We put in some good exercise by climbing those hills. That day I realized my body does move as quickly as when I was twenty.

We had such a great time but here are some of the suggestions I have for those of you who are considering this adventure. Tips for sledding:

  1. Dress warm. Coats, hats, ski bibs, boots and gloves.
  2. Be careful. There is always danger when going at high speeds down a mountain.
  3. Watch out for trees and rocks and other people.
  4. Take snacks 🙂
  5. Let the kids do most of the sledding. Old people are not meant to go at high speeds down mountains.

There were a few bumps and bruises on our adventure, but we made it through the day with more fun than we should have had. My innerchild cannot wait to go again.

By the way, we have the best kids in the world and taking them out sledding was such a joy. They loved Christmas, were very  appreciative of their gifts and even helped out with the clean up of everything.  However, if you need something to do with your bored kids… take them sledding!

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Funny Facebook Quotes III

Another Friday brings another list of some of my favorite Facebook Quotes. I am so glad I have friends who keep me laughing and enjoying life. Enjoy the latest in Friday’s Funny Facebook Quotes.

  • you can’t take it with you, but you can lick it so no one else takes it when you are gone
  • Lunges are the enemy
  • This morning I looked down at my unmade bed and decided that it was art in another medium and I should not destroy it.
  • Tiger Woods, I think he is one of those guys that pulls out his stick and plays with his balls in public parks
  • Oh my gosh! Studying hard core really pays off!!:) lol
  • Isn’t it so fun when you threaten to call someone 52 times and they turn off their phone so they don’t have to talk:) and you end up texting them that many more times ha
  • had a great weekend…why did biology have to ruin it??
  • Happy Birthday!!! I hope it is a great one! Pretty soon AARP is going to be knocking on your door
  • Clearly I am merely the center of the Universe!
  • I’ve been trying to figure out why my house has been so damn cold. Apparently when I had it serviced this summer the tech turned off the gas and didn’t turn it back on. So basically I’ve been going without heat for the last 3 months.
  • When asked, “What is a weekend?” I received this answer, “I think it is when one end is not as strong as the other… Usually, cuz you did something wrong.”
  • cleaned out my personal science experiment. Who knew that salsa and sauer kraut could grow mold?!

I cannot wait to see what my friends have to say next!

Weekly Recipe…. Won-Tons

Won-Ton 4
Image by mrithail via Flickr

The new year is here and the new year tradition is that I make sushi and won-tons. I don’t know why it has become a tradition but I do know that it just doesn’t feel like New Year’s unless we are eating some kind of Chinese or Japanese food. I think it is because growing up that is what we did.

My parents both spent some time in Japan and funny thing, I thought I was Japanese because of all the Japanese food we ate. They spoke in Japanese all the time to each other especially when they were trying to keep secrets from us kids. Rice was a staple at our house. Almost every meal had rice with it. There was teriyaki, curry, stir-fry, sukiyaki and rice!

I remember New Year’s Eve there would be a big pan of sukiyaki frying in the middle of the table and we would eat all night. Now that I am older I realize all of the work that went into that evening and I am sticking with a couple of my favorites, sushi and won-tons.

Won-tons have become a favorite of the kids too (they are not too hip on the sushi though.) They are fun to make and eat as a family. Maybe it can be your New Year tradition too.


½ pound ground beef

1 can minced shrimp

2 green onions & tops, finely minced

6 water chestnuts

6 mushrooms, finely chopped

1 tablespoon soy sauce

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon sesame oil

70 won ton wrappers

Brown ground beef.  Add all other ingredients and mix together lightly.  Fill won tons. Place one teaspoon of mixture in center of won ton wrapper and wet edges with fingertip dipped in water.  Fold over.  Cook in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.  Drain on paper towels.

To Freeze, pack in plastic bags when cool.  To reheat, place on cookie sheet and bake, while still frozen in a 350 degree oven.

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