Get in and Go…. Snowmobiling!

Saturday morning and lying before us was a mountain of laundry, a kitchen to be painted and rooms to be cleaned. The list seemed endless. We had been busy all week anyway with work and cleaning up after the holidays. Then Kirk said it. Music to my ears. How about a day off!

“Hurray,” I said. “Let’s go! Where are we going?”

“For a snowmobile ride of course! Just get dressed in your warm snow clothes, hop on your snowmobile and let’s take off to the mountain meadows.” Kirk said.

“Yipee!” I exclaimed as I quickly put on my snowmobile clothes and helmet. A ride is just what I needed today.

All of that laundry, painting and cleaning will be there tomorrow. The time to enjoy life is now!

Here are a few tips for you new snowmobilers:

  1. Dress warm. Ski bibs, wool socks, warm boots, warm coat, and hat.
  2. Always wear a helmet! It is always better to be a careful rider.
  3. Use your butt to steer. Leaning your body is a lot easier than trying to pull with your arms.
  4. Watch out for objects below the snow… like rocks. They are a lot bigger than they appear. (see picture: It only hurts a little bit)
  5. Have fun but be careful.

I am sure there are many more tips. These are just a few of the things that I am learning as I keep trying to be a better snowmobiler. It is good to always be learning new things.

Funny Facebook Quotes II

After a long needed holiday break I am back! Well rested (not really) but nonetheless… back!  We had a great holiday season. We traveled from one end of Utah to the other with a whole lot of fun in between with the family.  I have a lot of ideas for those wanting to “Get in and Go.” But to start off the New Year,  I am beginning the weekly “Friday Funny Facebook Quotes.”  Too many to list in this one column, that is why we have to do this every week people. Enjoy!
  • I shouldn’t be confused about everything, but I am…
  • Hey we’re in a tropical heat wave its 25 degrees! Wahoo! Won’t last long as it’s to drop below zero in a couple of days again. Oh well happy to take what we can get.
  • would like to thank his Canadian friends for sending their wonderful weather this way :o) It is not every day in the deep south that 33 degrees can be your day-time high!….I am looking forward to this snow possibility also…..Alabamians + Snow = Crazy Good Redneck Fun!
  • Just remember: it is not how you eat between Christmas and New Year’s but how you eat between New Year’s and Christmas.
  • Hauling coal has its ups and downs for sure!! Like when you open your gates and no coal comes out cuz it’s completely frozen!!!!!lol
  • Vowels A-E-I-O-U and sometimes Y? whats up with the sometimes Y?
  • does (daughter) really want to be potty trained or is she just enjoying being diaper free so she can put baby powder on herself? She won’t let me put a diaper on her and says potty. Then she runs and gets the powder. Heaven help me.
  • i have been avoiding it all day, but i am going to finally admit it……….my name is (blank) and i am a grump!
  • thinks I would have learned by now that dryers and chapsticks do not mix, they melt. All over your clothes and new jeans that i just bought. Damn.
  • sitting on the couch–eating burnt almond fudge ice cream out of the carton–watching Biggest Loser–what is wrong with this picture?
  • Is annoyed that I am the first to give advice on how to quit Diet Coke and now I am struggling and have a HUGE headache.. the oranges are not helping.. now what?                                                                           Advice: Drink Diet Pepsi. MUCH better… 🙂
  • loves how his 1 hr and 20 min class started at 10:00am and ended at 10:12am. Better not get used to that happening everyday!

Christmas Tree Hunting…In the Woods…In the Snow

The Perfect Christmas Tree

That’s right, hunting for trees. Sort of like hunting for deer, but with a saw and not a gun. First of all, you pack all of those kids (they are mostly grown but still kids) into the car. You drive them into the mountains in your four wheel drive SUV, with tree permit of course, to begin the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree.

Sure there are trees all along the road. There is a good one, but wait there is a gap in the back. Oh look over there, that one is perfect. Yet at a closer inspection, the branches are just too sparse. The kids run from tree to tree exclaiming, “This is the one!” Only to be disappointed by the lack of branches or hole somewhere on the tree.

Suki's Christmas Joy

Our puppy doesn’t care though. She runs from tree to tree with the kids just happy to be out in the snow. Each leap buries her in white powder. Oh to be a puppy and experience that joy.

Grant Cutting, TeAnna coaching

The day wears on and we trudge from mountain top to mountain meadow when finally there it is. The perfect tree glows with a Griswold family Christmas type light shining from above. This will be our tree. This tree will fill our home with the Christmas Spirit. Let us sing in joyful praise that we have found the “perfect” tree.  The tree above all other trees. Hallelujah!

Many Supervisors Tying Down the Tree

We appoint Grant as the official tree cutter because he is the only man child on this trip.  He does a masterful job in sawing this tree down and then drags it to the family car. We then attempt to tackle the artful task of tying the tree to the roof so it does not blow off on our long journey home. Many supervisors were involved in this process. It only takes a few ropes and finally there we have it, our beautiful tree. All ready for the drive home to make our holiday bright.

Now we  come to the most important part of the day: the obligatory family picture. What a great adventure! Next: let’s get the lights and decorations on that tree. Oh my family hates that I am aperfectionist in the lighting department.

Christmas Tree Hunting